In May 2015, the new Biological Mechanical Treatment Plant (B.M.T.) was inaugurated at the Waste Disposal Plant in Legoli.
In 2016 Sergio Staino and his son Michele decorated a series of ten panels with a colorful and cheerful fresco made of amusing and tender characters, putting together a work of one hundred meters that decorates the external walls that protect the Biological Mechanical Treatment plant. The work consists of ten images printed on polycarbonate panels. From a cicada to a lizard and also a Burgundian snail, a rhinoceros beetle, a tortoise and many more other “small animals that live among the clumps, in the grass, in the bogs, at the level of the daisies, indeed” as Staino himself claims. In a procession drawn with an ironic stroke and bright colours, they tell the tale of princesses and strumpets, military triumphs and brave knights, but also acrobats and musicians, animating a common working site with colours and presences. The ten subjects are inspired by a phrase of the photographer Mario Dondero: living at the level of the daisies, those daisies that the cartoonist also picked all around in the lawn surrounding the plant.
More info: Fondazione Peccioliper