Peccioli and its territory
Contemporary art, history, culture, landscape and nature

Peccioli hamlets and territory

Medieval layout, chiassi – the steep alleys typical of these villages – an ancient parish church and a bell tower which is its symbol. A peasant past whose traces have not been lost, of course, the Serre countryside reminds us, but which we have not yet seen. Peccioli is not a village suspended in time: it looks ahead, to the future, to sustainability, to projects shared between the Municipality and the inhabitants. This is witnessed by the contemporary art installations inserted into the urban fabric, which have made Peccioli an open-air artistic laboratory. The same characteristics that we find in the territory and in the hamlets of Legoli, Ghizzano, Fabbrica, Cedri, Montecchio, Montelopio and Libbiano: ancient and medieval history, the typicality of Tuscan villages, classic works with an important contamination of contemporary installations.


Peccioli Contemporary Art, History and Culture Learn more about Peccioli History in short Medieval layout, chiassi – the steep alleys typical of these villages – an ancient parish church and
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Libbiano History and nature Discover Libbiano A small agricultural village of which little is known. The church of Santi Pietro e Paolo, dating back to the 18th century, has a
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Montelopio History and Nature Learn more about Montelopio The earliest news about Montelpio date back to 1356, in an act of the synod of Volterra  in which reference is made
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Fabbrica History, landscape and culture Learn more about Fabbrica A small village with a castle and an ancient parish church, Fabbrica is located on a hill on the right bank
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Cedri Learn more about Cedri A small village located about 10 km from Peccioli, Cedri sits on a hillock bordered by the streams Isola and Roglio, which join a little
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Montecchio History and Nature Learn more about Montecchio Montecchio lies on a sandstone hill on the right bank of the river Era, immersed in the woods of “Le Serre”, a
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Legoli Contemporary art, history and culture Learn about Legoli Although in ancient manuscripts of the 10th  and 11th centuries reference is made to the lands of Liguli, Cigoli or Leoli,
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Ghizzano Contemporary art, history, culture Learn more about Ghizzano The village of Ghizzano is located on a clayey high ground between the streams Roglio and Melogio, about 9 km from
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Itineraries and travel ideas

Make your trip an unforgettable experience

Art, culture, history and nature: ideas that you cannot miss for your holiday in Peccioli