Constructive Peccioli, a work by Nicola Carrino
Nicola Carrino, Peccioli Constructive, 2001, Peccioli, Carabinieri barracks
On 21 July 2001, a few months after the inauguration ceremony of the new Carabinieri barracks in town, the sculpture entitled Peccioli Constructive, a work by Nicola Carrino, was inaugurated.
Starting from the early 1960s, Carrino has been an advocate of Minimalism, from which he has taken the essential, pure, strongly architectural lines.
Peccioli Constructive is made of steel and consists of two faces, three meters high and one and a half wide, assembled by welding. During the inauguration, Carrino stated that the vertical work rises upwards through a constant and at the same time monitoring process, just like that of the Carabinieri.