Vedovamazzei, Cumulus Humilis, 2001, Peccioli, Hotel Portavaldera
Above the hotel, a neon line in the shape of a cloud is the work of Vedovamazzei, an artistic duo formed by Simone Crispino and Stella Scala in 1990. Cumulus Humilis depicts a sun about to disappear behind an orange cloud hit by some blue flashes. The simplicity of the form conceals a reference to the “Bates Motel” of the film Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock. Vedovamazzei: “Above all in phase of construction of the neon cloud located above the hotel… our reference and homage to Alfred Hitchcock was immediate… the scientific term to identify our cloud… is “Cumulus Humilis”: a cumulus cloud drawn in a portion of the sky and located on a place for the resting of voyagers, guests, customers, travelers, vacationers. Yet, in a literal meaning it also means “heap of good weather”, a passing cloud… by changing light, it characterizes itself and informs us of the climate, apparently predicting a meteorological evolution, its temperature, its landscape”.
More info: Archive of Foundation Peccioliper