Raffaello Mauro Marcucci, Gabbiani, 2010, Legoli, Waste Disposal and Treatment Plant
Made in 2010 for the Waste Disposal and Treatment Plant in Legoli, the sculptures were installed in Piazza del Popolo until summer 2020 and then they returned to the Legoli plant.
The image of three seagulls is related to a sequence of movements indicating the departure in flight of a bird. In the first element, the animal is in a preliminary position; in the second, it shows the first movements and in the third the wings are unfolded and the flight begins.
The supporting structures are made of rigid tubes of drawn copper, on which the sections of the wings and the body are assembled. The feather covering was made of annealed and embossed copper. Annealing was essential both for the flexibility of the material and for its chromatic effects.
More Info: Peccioliper Fondazione Archive