Vittorio Messina, Untitled, 1991, bricks and white marble, Peccioli, Via Bastioni
A stele more than five meters high, in solid bricks, featuring a rectangular “window” topped by a front in a lintel structure. In the upper part, three horizontal bands parallel to one other, in white marble, display an inscription in verses: “Chi trasporterà o valorosi sul far della sera il morto o la luna dall’altra riva del fiume” (“Who will carry the dead or the moon to the other side of the river as the evening comes, oh corageous ones “). The window at the top of the structure looks like a “living painting”, changing as the light changes. It is a reference to the ancient dictates by Leon Battista Alberti of painting as a “window onto the world”. The phrase, engraved on Carrara marble, alludes to all those existential doubts that humans believe they are the custodians of.