Alicja Kwade, Solid Sky, 2018, Ghizzano
The sculpture Solid Sky, made in a stone (Azul Macaubas) from South America characterized by light blue veins that turn proper blue in some points, is made of two elements: a large cubic block, hollow inside, and a sphere with a perfectly smooth surface. The stone block shows some signs of imperfection on the material, deliberately left visible by the artist. The large void in the center allows us to guess the origin from which the perfect sphere came to life which visually contrasts with the unfinished aspect of the block. Placed at a distance from each other, these two sculptural presences are ideally linked to each other and acquire full meaning only when they are related.
The works of Alicja Kwade, the most recent of which is ParaPivot, a large sculpture on the terrace of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, often play with our imagination, inviting us to rethink our way of looking at reality. As the title of the sculpture suggests, SolidSky is a reference to the sky, the universe and the celestial spheres.
Alicja Kwade: “The sphere in natural stone, Azul Macaubas, recalls the idea of the existence of parallel worlds and multiverses, the subject of hypotheses and dissertations since ancient times. It seems to have fallen to Earth from another dimension. The stone material itself, with its stratifications formed over several million years, allows us to determine its age and therefore acts as a sort of time scale”.
In Ghizzano there are two other works: “Via di Mezzo” by David Tremlett and “Elevatio Corpus” by Patrick Tuttofuoco
More info: Archive of Foundation Peccioliper